
Journal Publications

5. Zhu T, Nie C, Jiang Z, Hu X (2024). When Do Consumers Buy during Online Promotions? A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation. Decision Support Systems, (182), p. 114233

4. Nie C, Zheng Z (Eric), Sarkar S (2024). Firm Competitive Structure and Consumer Reaction in Search Advertising. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, (25:2), 442–462.

3. Jiang Z, Rai A, Sun H, Nie C, Hu Y (forthcoming). How Online Information Influences Offline Transactions: Insights from Digital Real Estate Platforms. Information Systems Research, (forthcoming)

2. Nie C, Zheng Z (Eric), Sarkar S (2022). Competing with the Sharing Economy: Incumbents’ Reaction on Review Manipulation. MIS Quarterly, (46:3), 1573–1602.

1. Nie C, Zheng Z (Eric), Sarkar S (2021). A Strategic Group Analysis of Competitor Behavior in Search Advertising. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, (22:6), 1659–1685.

Journal Papers Under Review

  • Meng J, Li H, Nie C, Zhang C. From Licensing Regulation to Impact: Home-Sharing Services, Crimes, and Long-Term Rental. Submitted for the 1st round review at Information Systems Research

  • Chen W, Nie C, Xie K, Li X. Dance with Algorithms: Impact of Algorithmic Buyers on Housing Affordability. Submitted for the 1st round review at Management Science

  • Nie C, Zheng Z (Eric), Sarkar S . Reputation Management Strategies in the Hotel Industry Before and After the Growth of the Sharing Economy. Revising for the 2nd round review at MIS Quarterly

  • Fang B, Nie C, Zheng Z (Eric). Does Blockchain Prevent Speculation? Evidence from an NFT Platform. Submitted for the 1st round review at Journal of the Association for Information Systems

Work in Progress

  • Yang M, Ji Y, Mookerjee V, Nie C. Stay in Your Comfort Zone: Mean Field Game Analysis of Quality Competition.