Notes /notes/the-dictatators-handbook.md /notes/kitchen-confidential

Teaching 2024 spring

Marathon map

2024_05 to 2024_06_19

Profile: Add ORCID

Research: Adjust working papers and papers under review.

Blog: 江南创业史

April & May

  • 2024_05_06


  • Get research Teaching into the About page directly
  • Update my profile picture taken: GOLD8617.jpg. Add my domain. Ask friends.
  • Get the blog and notes link below profile picture.
    • Through “flickr” search in the directory, I found the places to update blog and notes into the profile page:
      • author-profile.html
      • _config.yml
      • _utilities.scss
      • _variables.scss


  • associate professor


  • DSS accepted
  • Add Jiana Meng’s MISQ submission
  • Delete (2024) for working papers
  • Delete conference papers and presentation.
  • update the volumne: 4. Nie C, Zheng Z (Eric), Sarkar S (2024). Firm Competitive Structure and Consumer Reaction in Search Advertising. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, (25:2), 442–462.
  • Remember to add the big12 presentation slides. 2024big12.pptx. I uploaded from the web interface.


  • /notes/罪与罚
  • /notes/invention-and-innovation
  • /notes/shoe-dog
  • /notes/the-tender-bar

Mar 17

  1. update link for the 2024 link for JAIS paper.
  2. update notes for books.

    2024 Feb /notes/eat-pray-love /notes/如何阅读一本书 /notes/the-song-of-the-cell /notes/feel-good-productivity /notes/never-get-angry-again /notes/the-private-life-of-chairman-mao /notes/晚年周恩来 /notes/finding-me /notes/yellowface /notes/the-gift-of-imperfection

  3. update marathon to add tokyo marathon 2024