This is Going to Hurt - by Adam Kay


This is Going to Hurt - by Adam Kay

Read: 2024-12-09

Recommend: SCORE/10

The book features a great deal of dark humor.


Here are some text that I highlighted in the book:

  1. unfortunately the depth of the lows is the price you pay for the height of the highs.

  2. It’s 2 a.m. and there’s not much doing on labour ward so I slope off to the on-call room to catch up on some personal admin (Adamin?) and stare at Facebook for a bit. I comment on how cute a friend’s latest ugly baby looks, which I can do very convincingly as I spend a large proportion of my working day doing the same thing to total strangers. For me, the true miracle of childbirth is that smart, rational people with jobs and the ability to vote look at these half-melted fleshy blobs, their heads misshapen from being squeezed through a pelvis, covered in five types of horrendous gunk, looking like they’ve spent a good two hours rolling around on top of a deep-pan pizza, and honestly believe they look beautiful. It’s Darwinism in action, an irrational love for your progeny. The same hardwired desire to keep the species going that sees them come back to labour ward for round two, eighteen months after the irreparable destruction of their perineum.

  3. A nice evening out with a few old med school friends to persuade ourselves that our lives are fine, despite significant evidence to the contrary. It’s nice to catch up, even if it needed to be rearranged seven times.

  4. My life is starting to feel like an episode of Quantum Leap. I’ll suddenly wake up and not know where I am or what I have to do. Today, I startle awake to a loud knocking sound – I’m sitting in my car asleep at a set of lights and an old boy is rapping on the window with the handle of his umbrella, asking if I’m OK.