Influence - by Robert B. Ciadini
Influence - by Robert B. Ciadini
Read: 2021-10-28
Recommend: 7/10
As social science researchers, we must persuade reviewers to buy our ideas. I need to present the bad things before the good ones because it’s easier for people to buy the idea.
Here are some text that I highlighted in the book:
Six universal principles for persuasion
- Reciprocation
- Commitment & Consistency
- Social Proof
- Authority
- Liking
- Scarcity
- RECIPROCATION: rule states that “…we should try to repay, in kind, what another person has provided us.”
- COMMITMENT & CONSISTENCY: This principle is about our “…desire to be (and to appear) consistent with what we have already done. Once we have made a choice or taken a stand, we will encounter personal and interpersonal pressures to behave consistently with that commitment. Those pressures will cause us to respond in ways that justify our earlier decision.”
You tell everyone you’re running your 1st marathon in 3 months. The public announcement, or what I call “forced accountability,” will motivate you to be more consistent in your training so you hit your goal.
- SOCIAL PROOF: Social proof is what a lot of us would refer to as peer pressure, but I think it’s closer to herd behavior. This rule “…applies especially to the way we decide what constitutes correct behavior. We view a behavior as more correct in a given situation to the degree that we see others performing it.” Basically, everyone else is doing it, so I’ll do it too.
- LIKING: Very simply, this just means we prefer to say yes to the requests of people we know and like.
Ever notice how people says “WE won!!” when their team wins, but they say “THEY lost!!” when their team loses??
- AUTHORITY: Very simply, people tend to follow authority figures. We are taught from a very young age that obedience to authority is right and disobedience is wrong.
- SCARCITY: The scarcity principle states that “…opportunities seem more valuable to us when their availability is limited.” Fans of behavioral economists may see how this ties into the concept of Loss Aversion — the fear of loss is always greater than the desire for gain.